
Patch 2.6.7 PTR 現地時間10/17(木)開始!

Pacth 2.6.7のパッチノート公開!


キルカウントによりMSとダメージUP(1カウント=MS+0.05、ダメージ+0.1% UPで最大1000スタック=MS+50%、ダメージ+100% UP)、それと連鎖キルボーナス15~1000(10種類)によって特殊効果発動。

・CrusaderとMonkにNew Set装備追加
New Crusader Set: Aegis of Valor
2-Piece Bonus: The charged bolts from Fist of the Heavens has a chance to cast another Fist of the Heavens
4-Piece Bonus: Hitting with Fist of the Heavens reduces damage taken by 1% for 5 seconds. Stacks up to 50 times
6-Piece Bonus: Increase the damage of Fist of the Heavens by 10,000%

「Fist of the Heavens」がメインダメージ。DRは最大50%です。

New Monk Set: Patterns of Justice
2-Piece Bonus: Sweeping Wind gains the effect of every rune
4-Piece Bonus: Each enemy within Sweeping Wind increases your movement speed by 5%. Stacks up to 10 times.
6-Piece Bonus: Attacking with Tempest Rush while Sweeping Wind is active will temporarily increase the size of Sweeping Wind after hitting over 30 times within a short period. Sweeping Wind damage is increased by 10,000%

「Sweeping Wind」がメインダメージ。DRは無いみたいですね。

Fist of the Heavens has a [45-60%] 100% chance to be cast twice.
Additional Legendary Power: Increases the damage of Fist of the Heavens by [200-250%]

「Fist of the Heavens」のダメージUP効果。

Eye of the Storm(頭)
New Legendary Power: When Sweeping Wind hits exactly 1 enemy, its damage is increased by 100%

「Sweeping Wind」を敵単体に当てるとダメージ+100%

Vengeful Wind(武器)
Increases the maximum stack count of Sweeping Wind by [6-7] 10
Additional Legendary Power: Increases the damage of Sweeping Wind by [250-300%]

「Sweeping Wind」のスタック&ダメージUP
MonkのNew Set装備は、このVengeful Windを表に装備する事になりますね。

Chantodo's Resolve(Set効果、Nerf)
The scaled attack speed damage bonus to Wave of Destruction has been reduced
Developer Note: This is a reactive adjustment from an earlier change to how Wave of Destruction receives a bonus from Attack Speed. The buff that resulted from that change was more than we expected, so we're reigning it in

Vyr Chantodoビルドがどのくらい弱くなるのでしょうかね?

Wrath of the Wastes(Set効果、Buff)
6-Piece Bonus: The damage bonus now also applies to Rend

Wastes SetにRendを組み合わせようとしてますね。

Additional Legendary Power: Increases the damage of Rend by [150-200%]

Wastes Set用になるでしょう。

Ambo's Pride(武器)
New Legendary Power: Attacking with Whirlwind also applies Rend and the total damage of Rend is dealt over 1 second

これもWastes Set用ですね。

Hammer of the Ancients has a [25-30%] chance to summon an Ancient for 20 seconds

「Hammer of the Ancients」との組み合わせ用

New Legendary Power: While both Wrath of the Berserker and Call of the Ancients are active, Hammer of the Ancients deals [200-250%] more damage

Fjord Cutter(武器)
You are surrounded by a Chilling Aura when attacking

New Legendary Power: Seismic Slam attacks 50% faster and also deals 100-150% increased damage against Slowed or Chilled enemies

「Seismic Slam」との組み合わせ用

Bracers of Destruction(ブレーサー)
Seismic Slam deals [400-500%] increased damage to the first 5 10 enemies it hits

これも「Seismic Slam」との組み合わせ用

Fury of the Ancients(肩)
Call of the Ancients gains the effect of the Ancients' Fury rune and your Ancients attack 100% faster

「Call of the Ancients」との組み合わせ用

Bone Ringer(オフハンド、Nerf)
Now has a cap of 60 stacks.
Developer Note: We never intended for this item to be used in a way where you farm stacks for an egregious amount of time (5+ minutes) and then watch all their health disappear in less than a second. It's not an engaging style of gameplay, and we don't want that experience to be the best way to play the Necromancer.

Bone Ringerのスタックが無制限から最大60にNerf!
これでRG KillerとしてのThorns Necビルドは無くなりましたね。

Legacy of Dreams(レジェGEM)
This gem is now more likely to drop from a Greater Rift Guardian


Blighter's Poison Tentacles' Area of Effect now hits less frequently, but at higher damage, when attacking players


[Bug Fix]
Fixed an issue where casting Restless Giant would cause the 200% physical bonus damage to fail to apply when the Gargantuan enraged


Squirt's Necklace(AMU)
Fixed an issue where some ground effects were causing the Squirt's Necklace buff to fall off despite being shielded


New Set装備の追加は、2キャラずつやっていくのかな?
今回はクルセとMonkなので、この2つのビルドがMetaに組み込まれるようになれば面白いんですけど、ぱっと見た限り、LoN Bazooka Wizのダメージを超えるとは思えないですね・・・LoN Thorns Necが終了となるので、RG Killer候補としてLoN Lancer NecかShadow DHのどちらかになるんでしょうけど、Cru、Monkm、BarbのNewビルドでGR Killerになり得るビルドがあるのかどうか?でしょうね。

それと、結局LoN Mage Necビルドは健在になりそうですけど、Rob@ZEは、WW Barbが新たなSpeed Runになるかも?って言ってます。


4 件のコメント:

  1. ついに扇風機ビルドの時代が!!!扇風機ビルド主体なら、Sweeping Wind当てやすいと思うw

  2. Sweeping Windビルドは、Set効果でMS+50%も付くので機動力が高いAoE攻撃ですけど、Set効果にDRが付かないので、柔くなるかもしれませんね。

    1. 気絶しそうになるくらいに弱かった(´・ω・`)

    2. 訂正、弱すぎるのではなく、最初に試したバーバリアンの強化が大きすぎて弱く感じただけかもしれないです。
